Friday, December 28, 2012

Brandon & Jaree

I would love to introduce you to Brandon & Jaree Orr :)

They were married in the Salt Lake City Temple on December 20, 2012

I am so happy for both of them, and excited to have another sister join the family. The past couple weeks have been a lot of fun being all together. For me, this Christmas has been pretty special. It's the first Christmas since Brandon's been back from his mission, and the last one I'll have home since I'll be gone on Christmas the next two years. Lot's of changes for the Orr family, but we couldn't be happier!!

(photo cred:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Semester is OVER!

Can really already be Christmas Break?

I can't believe this semester has gone by so fast! I feel like my college years are going to be over before I know it. Speaking of... I love BYU. It is honestly the only place I could ever imagine myself going to school.

Longer post to come.... my brother is getting married in a couple days :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Mind.

Finals have hit. I'm halfway done, but I feel like my mind is already done. 

The mind is very interesting.. We've been learning about it in Physiology. (Which I should be studying right now, but this counts, right?) 

The mind is very powerful. It's something that everyone has, but what differentiates us is how we use it. Instead of using our mind to create what we want, the majority of us use it to create exactly what we don't want. Theodore Roosevelt once said, "that men and women are not prisoners of fate, but are only prisoners of their own mind." 

So with this great power, comes great responsibility... right? 

I'm pretty positive we all know someone who uses their mind to serving others, their family, or to their many blessings. We also all know someone who focuses their mind on themselves, and what they don't have. I often find myself a mix of both; but another amazing thing about our mind is.... 
we have the power to change it. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

College Probs

I think my professors are trying to fail me. 

That's the only thing I can come up with. Why would you have a "mid-term" and then 2 weeks later decide to have ANOTHER "mid-term?" Not in just one, but two of my hardest classes..both the same week. 

I feel like they should also stop calling them mid-terms. That is a very deceiving term, and I'm almost 100% positive it's against the honor code for BYU professors to deceive their students. Mid. Term. In the middle of the semester, meaning a total of two exams: one mid-term and one final. Not four "mid-terms" and a final-- all for the same class.

If you can't tell, I'm a little stressed. Four "midterms" in 6 days can make one go crazy. Oh, and I'm sick with some virus called Mono? Don't worry... I didn't get it from a boy. (When it comes to drinking after people.. I'm the worst.) Not only is it contagious, so my roommates avoid me like the plague, but it makes you really, really tired. The Dr. told me to try to keep my stress level down because it only makes it worse, but I think I'm failing in that category.

Oh and it snowed here in Provo! More than it did all last year. Now I feel justified playing Christmas music all the time. :)

But don't worry. I just have to make it until Saturday, then I'll be on a plane to a place far from Provo where no one will speak of "mid-terms," sodium bicarbonate, alpha/beta particles, or action potentials. :)

Well, that's my rant for the week. Time to take another nap.. I mean study. (For my 3rd "mid-term.")

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Joy in the Journey

Sometimes I get caught up in the stressfulness of college life. The constant studying, never-ending midterms, ramen noodles, study groups and the constant search for quarters on laundry day. 

Then... I pause, and realize how great life is. 

Just look around you. It's one of the most beautiful times of the year. I love all the beautiful fall colors and I can't help but smile when I walk under a tree and leaves fall around me. 

I was talking to a friend last night who is at a completely different stage in life than I am, and it made me realize we all have our own trials and stresses. I find myself thinking that things will be easier when I get into my program, or when I graduate, or once I'm married, etc... I'm always looking to the next best thing in life, expecting it to be easier.. but that's not how it works. No matter where you are in life, you're going to have trials and it's not going to be easy.

The key is to find joy in the journey. 

Stop and take one minute to look at the beauty all around you. Tell your family you love them. Say a prayer of gratitude for the life you have :) You'll never be at this point in your life again, so enjoy it while you can.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Big Announcement

For those of you who don't know.. my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, made some big changes in their missionary program on October 6th. Here is a video of it; it's really short.

In this video, our church President, Thomas S. Monson, announces that young men can now serve a mission at 18 (down from 19), and young women at 19 (down from 21). (They will still serve for the same amount of time-- 2 years for men, and 18 months for women.) This inspired change will dramatically increase the number of missionaries across the world, and will allow the gospel of Jesus Christ to spread to even more places!

Now... how does this affect me??
Growing up, I have never considered serving a mission. It wasn't until I first came to BYU, that I even thought about it. I remember thinking about how cool it would be to teach the gospel to those who have never had the opportunity to hear it, but at the same time... I didn't want to wait until I was 21. It seemed so far away. Recently, I had even talked with my roommates about serving a mission and said that if the age was lower, I would definitely go. But, we had no idea that President Monson would make this announcement!

To say I was excited, would be an understatement. As soon as I heard the words come out of his mouth, I knew that I wanted to go. Over the next couple days, I talked to my family about it and they were all supportive of whatever choice I made, but I needed to make sure that it was what God wanted me to do. I have made it a matter of prayer the past couple weeks, and I have continually been filled with peace and joy with this decision. I know that I'm supposed to serve a mission :)

I plan on starting my papers when I come home for Christmas. My availability date will be in May, so I will hopefully leave sometime this Summer! I can't wait to go out and serve the Lord for 18 months. I am really nervous, and have a lot of studying and preparing to do, but I am mostly just really, really excited. :)

I love this quote from Jeffrey R. Holland - "This announcement isn't about you. It's about the sweet and pure message you are being asked to bear and the ever greater numbers God needs to bear it."

I am so blessed to be apart of this generation-- to go forth and bear witness that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I know the truth, and I can't wait to share it with others.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Last Month...

Life has been really busy lately. College can do that to you. There is always some assignment, midterm,  or paper breathing down your neck. You get caught up, just to get behind again. I swear it's a never-ending process.

But, that's one of the good things about Provo, Utah. You have plenty of "homework relievers" all around you. :)


ICEE Run's!

Football Games!!

Disco Skating

Broom Hockey..




Flag Football-- Cool Runnings!!

Plus.. lots of movie nights, 'How I Met Your Mother' marathons, and cake batter cookies.

I know some of you, like my parents, are wondering how much "schoolwork" I'm actually doing.. but don't worry. This week.. I got my first A on a Chemistry midterm since being at BYU. It was quite a monumental moment. It may have taken me a year, but I think I finally have this whole college thing figured out.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My new home :)

Meet... the Apartment.

 Front door
Living Room
 Living Room


My Room
(My t-shirt blanket! Mom made it for me. She's awesome.)

That's it! Isn't our home cute? I absolutely love it. 

Meet.. the Roommates.

 Jessica, Brighton, McKinlee, Sydney, & Madison
Oklahoma, Arizona, Michigan, Colorado, & Texas

This picture is from last year.. We'll be taking family pictures pretty soon. But.. they are the best, and I can't wait to spend this next year with them! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

All Moved In!

We have officially moved into our apartment!  

Time for a recap.

We moved in Friday morning. Luckily, we all got there at different times so it wasn't complete chaos.. but it was pretty close to it. Pops & I unloaded the car and then took 2 trips to the storage unit my roommates and I had to get MORE stuff. (Mind you, we are on the 3rd floor. Let's just say... it's been 3 days and my calves are still sore.) And one thing is for sure.. we have a lot of  stuff. It was like hurdling through a maze just to get from one room to another.

That night, someone came by our door and asked us if we were going to camp out for parking permits. Apparently there are only 400 parking spots for 850 people, and 200 of those are underground; therefore, people were camping out to get an underground spot. I.. really wanted an underground spot. That way in the winter I won't have to scrape ice off my car. So.. I grabbed a pillow and blanket, walked outside and got in line. Sydney and McKinlee joined me and we slept out all night long. We actually were able to fall asleep from 1am-4am until some girls woke us up as they were giggling and painting their nails. But.. we got the parking permits, so I guess it was all worth it haha.

We realized Saturday that our apartment has quite a few issues. For one, it was filthy upon moving in. Then a toilet was broken, the showers didn't drain, the light in the bathroom was broken, our outlets didn't work, the fridge wouldn't get cold, etc. etc. It was pretty frustrating. You would think for how much we're paying that they would have noticed these things were broken and fixed them. But don't worry... after three days of 6 girls sharing one outlet, one toilet, and one shower the maintenance guys finally made it up our way. 

Oh the joys of moving into an apartment :) I'll take pictures of it once we've finished decorating. On the bright side, we set up our Wii and we are going to have some awesome Just Dance 3 parties. We also love being invited to dinner, because that means we don't have to cook or spend money on our own food. If someone says "free food" or "want to eat at our place for dinner" you can guarantee that we will be more than willing to accept their gracious offer!

Sophomore year is gonna be awesome.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goodbye Oklahoma

The last couple days were full of 'goodbyes' and 'see you laters'. I really hate goodbyes; they're never fun, but they always remind me of the many people I'm grateful to have in my life.

Here's a few of the pics I've taken this week..


Alisha and Cara! Went and ate at BJ's for C's 21st yesterday! 

The Bailey's! I've babysat them for the last 7 years.. Love these kiddos.

Gillespie's dressed up in their BYU gear for me :)

But it's official. I am no longer in Oklahoma. The trek to Utah begins Pops is coming with Betty and I. Betty's never been this far away from home, so let's hope she makes it! It is a long, unexciting 19 hours; however, it will be worth it. :) 

Okie friends and family... I love y'all. See you in December!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two Days

It's funny how time can sneak up on you.

I've been looking forward to this week for months, and now it's here! I never thought I would be this excited to get back to Utah. It's not that I'm ready to leave home... but I'm ready to be in Utah. (I know.. kind of an oxymoron.) But at this point in my life, BYU is definitely where I'm supposed to be.

I am really excited to unpack everything in my apartment. I know that seems weird, but I can't wait to decorate everything and turn it into my home for the next year. Then to be reunited with my roommates.. :) It'll be fantastic. I'll have to introduce them to you soon.

This was a good week though. Lots of sleeping in, and finishing up little projects around the house. My good friend, Tyler Bean, came home from his mission this week. He served in Mexico. It was good to see him, and hear him speak today. (His accent is priceless.) I was looking at my brother, Tyler, and Ryan Hawkley all talking together and was thinking how crazy it was that they are all home. I know it's brought a tear to our mother's eyes as they realize their kids are all growing up.

Not a bad group, eh? 

Two more days of craziness. I'm a pro at procrastination, so it shouldn't be a problem ;)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where did the time go??

My baby sister is starting first grade today. When did that happen?! 

I look at these, and can only think of how young we both look. But... I don't feel like it was that long ago. It seems like just yesterday the nurse was handing her to me. I was the first person to hold her after she was born, and I remember telling her, "I'm your big sister, Shelby. We're going to be best friends someday." What I didn't know.. was that 'someday' started right that second. 

As much as I'll miss everyone in my family when I go back to school... I'll miss Sydney the most. I'll miss watching her gymnastics. I'll miss her scaring me with a Justin Bieber cut-out in the closet. I'll miss watching her grow up.  It's tough. She doesn't always understand why I have to leave. She sometimes asks, "When are you going back on your mission?" Haha..with Brandon serving his mission in Utah, it's confused her a bit. 

I have one more week home, and it will be full of this little girl. :) 

Life goes by fast. Don't waste it worrying about things that... in the long run.. really don't matter. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Alaska Cruise!

Wow. What a trip.

My pictures say it better than I can.

Here's all 25 of us on the way to the cruise terminal.

Almost to the boat!!

First stop.... FOOD.

Grandparents were on a different cruise to Alaska at the same time as us, so they were able to see Brandon for the first time in Skagway, AK

We took a train ride up into the mountains in Skagway.

Some cool hats our waiter made for us.



The fam by Tracy's Arm, AK

Out on the balcony reading a book with hot chocolate! Definitely my favorite part haha

Our awesome waiters, Gyula & Baha. They were the best.

 Pirate Night! With Meg, Trenton, & Baha.

 Trevor & I in Victoria, CA!

Baha! :)

The Boat!

Eskimo kisses! I love my baby sister.

Overall, it was a fantastic trip. Alaska is BEAUTIFUL! Words and pictures are nothing compared to being there. I had so much fun with all of the Orr family. 

Other notable things: 
  • It was COLD, which was a nice change compared to the 100+ weather in Oklahoma. 
  • Which... by the way.. we were gone the week Oklahoma had it's hottest weather (over 113 degrees!) Great timing on our part.
  • We ate a ton. 
  • The food was fantastic, and we had a lot of fun with our waiters. 
  • Austin had over 50 ice cream cones in one week.
  • My cousin had over 70.
  • We had a cute, Turkish waiter named Baha. He was great. Let's just say.. he made the trip a little more entertaining for everyone hahaha (or should I say.. BAhaha..!)
  • When I get older, I wouldn't mind living in a place with mild summers.
  • My hair lightened up some more. I think I'm starting to get used to it.