Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goodbye Oklahoma

The last couple days were full of 'goodbyes' and 'see you laters'. I really hate goodbyes; they're never fun, but they always remind me of the many people I'm grateful to have in my life.

Here's a few of the pics I've taken this week..


Alisha and Cara! Went and ate at BJ's for C's 21st yesterday! 

The Bailey's! I've babysat them for the last 7 years.. Love these kiddos.

Gillespie's dressed up in their BYU gear for me :)

But it's official. I am no longer in Oklahoma. The trek to Utah begins Pops is coming with Betty and I. Betty's never been this far away from home, so let's hope she makes it! It is a long, unexciting 19 hours; however, it will be worth it. :) 

Okie friends and family... I love y'all. See you in December!

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