Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two Days

It's funny how time can sneak up on you.

I've been looking forward to this week for months, and now it's here! I never thought I would be this excited to get back to Utah. It's not that I'm ready to leave home... but I'm ready to be in Utah. (I know.. kind of an oxymoron.) But at this point in my life, BYU is definitely where I'm supposed to be.

I am really excited to unpack everything in my apartment. I know that seems weird, but I can't wait to decorate everything and turn it into my home for the next year. Then to be reunited with my roommates.. :) It'll be fantastic. I'll have to introduce them to you soon.

This was a good week though. Lots of sleeping in, and finishing up little projects around the house. My good friend, Tyler Bean, came home from his mission this week. He served in Mexico. It was good to see him, and hear him speak today. (His accent is priceless.) I was looking at my brother, Tyler, and Ryan Hawkley all talking together and was thinking how crazy it was that they are all home. I know it's brought a tear to our mother's eyes as they realize their kids are all growing up.

Not a bad group, eh? 

Two more days of craziness. I'm a pro at procrastination, so it shouldn't be a problem ;)

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