Sunday, November 11, 2012

College Probs

I think my professors are trying to fail me. 

That's the only thing I can come up with. Why would you have a "mid-term" and then 2 weeks later decide to have ANOTHER "mid-term?" Not in just one, but two of my hardest classes..both the same week. 

I feel like they should also stop calling them mid-terms. That is a very deceiving term, and I'm almost 100% positive it's against the honor code for BYU professors to deceive their students. Mid. Term. In the middle of the semester, meaning a total of two exams: one mid-term and one final. Not four "mid-terms" and a final-- all for the same class.

If you can't tell, I'm a little stressed. Four "midterms" in 6 days can make one go crazy. Oh, and I'm sick with some virus called Mono? Don't worry... I didn't get it from a boy. (When it comes to drinking after people.. I'm the worst.) Not only is it contagious, so my roommates avoid me like the plague, but it makes you really, really tired. The Dr. told me to try to keep my stress level down because it only makes it worse, but I think I'm failing in that category.

Oh and it snowed here in Provo! More than it did all last year. Now I feel justified playing Christmas music all the time. :)

But don't worry. I just have to make it until Saturday, then I'll be on a plane to a place far from Provo where no one will speak of "mid-terms," sodium bicarbonate, alpha/beta particles, or action potentials. :)

Well, that's my rant for the week. Time to take another nap.. I mean study. (For my 3rd "mid-term.")

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