Sunday, June 3, 2012


My cousin was married yesterday. I don't know what it is about weddings, but they always make me look forward to my own special day.
My cousin Devin, and his beautiful bride, Kim. 

I have been asked many times since being home if I found a "special someone" while at BYU. I'm sure it's just because of the reputation BYU has for girls getting married their first/second year out, but to answer your question.. No. There is no boy I am dying to get back to in August. Sorry to disappoint all of you :) 

In dating LDS (Mormon) guys, there is one thing that can be kind of difficult... they all go on their missions when they turn 19. Because of that, I think it's always in the back of your mind when you start to date someone that hasn't served their mission yet. If you lose sight of that, and get too close to someone it can be really hard when that boy leaves for 2 years to serve the Lord. But, it is such a great thing for these young men to do, and it's truly a blessing for me to watch so many of my friends leave everything behind to serve different states or countries around the world. These guys come home two years later more mature, and (more importantly) stronger in their testimonies of Jesus Christ. 

Anyways.. back to weddings... my cousins wedding was really nice. Most all of the decorations she made from Pinterest! It was pretty cool to see an entire Pinterest board come together to make a beautiful wedding. I definitely will keep some things in mind for my reception down the road. And when I say down the road... I mean, dooowwn the road. :) I am in no rush to put a ring on it, and can't wait to spend the next couple years with my roommates in our apartment... 
It's gonna be awesome.

Heard this quote today... and I love it. 
"Dance with God, and He will let the
 perfect man cut in."

But until then, Roommates.... here I come! :)

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