Tuesday, June 12, 2012


In the past couple years I've learned a lot about friends.

Some friends are only there during the good times. 
Some friends only talk to you when they need something.
With a few friends, every conversation revolves around them and their either amazing or awful life (depending on the day and their mood). 
Some friends consider your house their own, and call your parents 'Mom' and 'Pops' just like you do. 
Friends who call when they need someone to just listen to them. 
Friends who are always good for a laugh, and you could spend weeks together without getting annoyed with them. 
Friends you can always pick up right where you left off, even when you're miles apart
Friends you can always count on.
Friends who tell you what you need to hear... not what you want to hear.
Friends you can trust.

With most of the above, I'm talking about girls. There are very few guys I can think of where I was just legitimately good friends with, but when it comes to really close "guy friends"... 99.9% of the time either you like them, or he likes you. Don't deny my statistic. (It's almost a proven fact by now.) 
Just.. sit back.. and think about it for a second.

I know you're thinking: "Well I'm friends with so and so.. we talk all the time and we don't like each other!" Doubtful.. very, very doubtful. 

Watch this video... it's pretty funny. 

Anyways... moral of my blog post... I've lost a few friends this past year, and it's sad but at the same time... The only people you need in your life, are the one's who make an effort to be there. I am so grateful for my real friends. The one's who have always been there for me, and always will be. My roommates and friends up at BYU, and my friends here in Oklahoma that have stuck with me, even though I'm 1500 miles away from them 8 months of the year. 

I love you all! 

... I mean y'all. :) 

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