Sunday, June 24, 2012


Megan has been in Texas at EFY.
Austin has a baseball tournament in Texas.
Mom and Dad went to Texas with Austin.
Sydney tagged along.. and is in Texas.

So that leaves KD.
I love this puppy. But I swear she has barked more than usual. It was almost like she was saying,"Hey, why don't I stare at the window and bark (at night) so Shelby thinks there is someone/thing outside!" It took me forever to figure out that her reflection was causing this ;)

Fear of being alone. 

 I don't exactly have it. I don't mind being home alone. But it felt like an appropriate title considering I'm definitely ready for my family to be home. This house feels empty without them. 

I'll be honest... it was nice at first. But it's time to hear Dad's footsteps in the hallway, help Mom make dinner, watch Sydney perform cart wheels,  listen to Megan sing in the shower, and play catch with Austin.

Tomorrow will be a good day. 

P.S. I'm tired of taking the dog out. She is really slow at doing her business. I vote that I get next week off.

P.S.S. Brandon comes home in 32 days. :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Today is Father's Day, and I am feeling so grateful for mine.


He is the man who taught me:
It's good to have wants.
To never make mom mad.
How to fish, mow & shoot a gun. 
Lights.. they don't turn off themselves.
OU football.
How to eat ribs.
To always put my Heavenly Father first in life, with family close behind. 
Money doesn't grow on trees.
How to throw and catch a softball.
To put others before myself.
That I can always be better.
...the list could go on.

He's always believed in me and supported me in every way as I follow my dreams. He treats my mother with love and respect and is a true example of how a husband should be to his wife. He is the best father to his 5 children and never lets a day go by without letting us know that he loves us.
Oh, how I love him.

 I hope and pray that one day... I will marry a man just like my daddy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


In the past couple years I've learned a lot about friends.

Some friends are only there during the good times. 
Some friends only talk to you when they need something.
With a few friends, every conversation revolves around them and their either amazing or awful life (depending on the day and their mood). 
Some friends consider your house their own, and call your parents 'Mom' and 'Pops' just like you do. 
Friends who call when they need someone to just listen to them. 
Friends who are always good for a laugh, and you could spend weeks together without getting annoyed with them. 
Friends you can always pick up right where you left off, even when you're miles apart
Friends you can always count on.
Friends who tell you what you need to hear... not what you want to hear.
Friends you can trust.

With most of the above, I'm talking about girls. There are very few guys I can think of where I was just legitimately good friends with, but when it comes to really close "guy friends"... 99.9% of the time either you like them, or he likes you. Don't deny my statistic. (It's almost a proven fact by now.) 
Just.. sit back.. and think about it for a second.

I know you're thinking: "Well I'm friends with so and so.. we talk all the time and we don't like each other!" Doubtful.. very, very doubtful. 

Watch this video... it's pretty funny. 

Anyways... moral of my blog post... I've lost a few friends this past year, and it's sad but at the same time... The only people you need in your life, are the one's who make an effort to be there. I am so grateful for my real friends. The one's who have always been there for me, and always will be. My roommates and friends up at BYU, and my friends here in Oklahoma that have stuck with me, even though I'm 1500 miles away from them 8 months of the year. 

I love you all! 

... I mean y'all. :) 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

OKC Thunder

As many of you know... I'm kiiiind of a big Thunder fan.

Since the Seattle Sonics moved to Oklahoma 3 seasons ago, my family has had season tickets Their first season they were 3-27. I'm not going to lie to you and say that I was crazy in love with them at that point, but I was still a fan and went to as many games as I could. After they received a new coach and started to turn that season around, I realized how much I really was falling in love with this team. The next season we continued to progress leading up to last seasons Western Conference Finals appearance. And now.... the Thunder are the 2012 Western Conference Champions and are headed to the NBA Finals.

Can you believe it?! 

This is the team I've met at the airport multiple times around 12-2am. I read their team blog by Royce Young every day like it's the newspaper. I follow all of their twitter accounts. I watched most of their games this season from my laptop at BYU, and have been lucky enough to go to some of the playoff games since being home. This is the team that has unified the OU/OSU division in Oklahoma. This team exemplifies everything this great state stands for, and has put us on the map for something besides OU football, the OKC Bombing and the "Oklahoma!" play from the 50's. Our players are some of the most hard working, resilient, and humble players in this league. One of my favorite things about this is that they are just such good guys. Every one of them. Sam Presti did a great job of building this team into something our state could be proud of, and I must say he did a fantastic job.

Last night's game is one I will remember for years. Down by 20 points in the 2nd quarter, but our team fought back. The entire arena was on its feet the 2nd half, trying to give this team the lift they needed to make a comeback. They did it. They won the game. I watched as Kevin Durant, hugged his mom and brother on the sidelines. I watched as the team hugged each other. I looked on, with tears in my eyes, as they lifted the trophy up for the world to see.

"It just had everything to do with who we are as men, who we are as a team, the type of spirit that we want to show every time down the court. It was all about that.. and about being a family." - Coach Scott Brooks.

Everyone.... Thunder Up and watch as this team wins the World Championship next week.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


My cousin was married yesterday. I don't know what it is about weddings, but they always make me look forward to my own special day.
My cousin Devin, and his beautiful bride, Kim. 

I have been asked many times since being home if I found a "special someone" while at BYU. I'm sure it's just because of the reputation BYU has for girls getting married their first/second year out, but to answer your question.. No. There is no boy I am dying to get back to in August. Sorry to disappoint all of you :) 

In dating LDS (Mormon) guys, there is one thing that can be kind of difficult... they all go on their missions when they turn 19. Because of that, I think it's always in the back of your mind when you start to date someone that hasn't served their mission yet. If you lose sight of that, and get too close to someone it can be really hard when that boy leaves for 2 years to serve the Lord. But, it is such a great thing for these young men to do, and it's truly a blessing for me to watch so many of my friends leave everything behind to serve different states or countries around the world. These guys come home two years later more mature, and (more importantly) stronger in their testimonies of Jesus Christ. 

Anyways.. back to weddings... my cousins wedding was really nice. Most all of the decorations she made from Pinterest! It was pretty cool to see an entire Pinterest board come together to make a beautiful wedding. I definitely will keep some things in mind for my reception down the road. And when I say down the road... I mean, dooowwn the road. :) I am in no rush to put a ring on it, and can't wait to spend the next couple years with my roommates in our apartment... 
It's gonna be awesome.

Heard this quote today... and I love it. 
"Dance with God, and He will let the
 perfect man cut in."

But until then, Roommates.... here I come! :)