Sunday, April 8, 2012

College Brings Change

I am now starting my last week of classes as a freshman in college.

Where did this year go? I remember moving into my dorm with my two lovely parents at my side, filled with excitement as I decorated my room and looked at the view of the mountains from my window. I look back to that girl, and can't believe how much I've changed in just a short 8 months.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm still Shelby. I still avidly watch OKC Thunder games, play b-ball every chance I get, and eat more junk food than one girl really should... But, I feel like I've grown up quite a bit. No matter how small or big trials may seem, I feel like they will either break you or refine you. It's all up to you, and how you respond to them.

When I first moved to Utah, I lost one of my closest friends and now, 6 months later, we are just beginning to pick up the pieces. Soon after, my sweet grandmother lost a hard fought battle with cancer. This still brings tears to my eyes as I think about it. I can still picture her sitting at her desk by Grandpa and making jokes with him. They were a match made in heaven. I hope and pray that I have a love as strong as theirs some day.

That semester was really tough, and it didn't seem to get too much easier. The next semester I took on a bit more than I should have by taking CNA classes each weekend. And let's just say... BYU's classes are really hard. (It's a good day when I get a C on a Chemistry test..) And then my sweet Manny passed away in February.

Looking back now... each experience has changed me in some way. I have a much greater testimony of eternal families and better relationship with my Heavenly Father. I also think that I've finally learned how to study properly!!

(Well.. let's be honest, I'm still working on that one.)

Most importantly though, I know BYU was the right choice for me.

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