Sunday, April 22, 2012


The last week of college was crazy. I had 5 finals to take, so lots of studying but at the same time you want to spend time with everyone before you leave. Freshman year is unique in the fact that we will probably never see any of the guys again, since they are all going on missions. With that said... I, of course, spent all my time with my roommates, because those are the people I will actually miss haha.

Brighton and McKinlee left early in the week, Madison was with Chase and his family, and Jessica had plans. So Sydney and I partied it up the last day of college.  

 We took stuff to the "Roommates Storage Unit"...can you see Sydney? haha...

Had a dance party in the car...

Bought yellow night gowns at the DI for $3 (quite the steal) :)...

Slept in the back of Sydney's truck...

and watched a chick flick.

That, my friends, sounds like the perfect last night of college to me.

But now I'm home. I love being home, but it is definitely different... Nonetheless, awesome. I spent my first weekend running errands for my mom, watching Austin's baseball games, and spending time with Austin and Sydney outside in the beautiful Oklahoma weather. 

1st stop.. SNOW CONES.

Oh and I have a new sister! Her name is Kaydee.
(Like KD as in Kevin Durant.. what can I say, my fam loves the Thunder!)

I promised Meg we would "Cover the Night" for KONY 2012. We had fun :)

 Syd and I before church! She is such a pretty girl.

Life is good. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

On the Home Stretch...

I am officially done with my first year of college.

Shocking. I know. I can't believe how fast it went by. I loved every second of it. The best thing that happened all year was finding my 5 awesome roommates.

It would have been a completely different year without them and I can't wait until we have an apartment next year! Made lots of memories this year but now...

...SUMMER is here.

My Summer will be full of working, working, and.. more working. I have a couple different interviews set up for different CNA positions, and I'm really excited. I think part of the excitement is because it will be my first "real" job. Not that working at the farm wasn't a real job, trust me... it was most definitely a real job, but it will be good to have something on my resume besides a business with my last name on it.

Besides working, the majority of my time will be spent with the fam. I love being out of state for school, but I hate missing out on my brother and sisters growing up. I mean Megan is already 16, and Austin is turning 14 this summer!! It's insane! And let us not forget little Miss. Sydney. Besides the 3 kids at home, my big brother is coming home in July. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of him. This will probably be the last time all of us will be living under the same roof and it will only be for a few weeks. We're all getting so OLD! :)

Life goes by fast. Don't waste it stressing over things that, in the long run, really don't matter. I think that's one of the biggest things I've learned this year. When things don't go how I think they should, I remind myself to put things in perspective.

"Life is to be enjoyed, not endured."

See ya soon Oklahoma.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

College Fun

Can I just say... I love college.

I love my classes; the professors are all amazing, and really care about their students. I love my hall, my ward, my roommate, my best friends, and really... everything. Everything that is, EXCEPT for Finals Week, and the days leading up to it.

Needless to say, a pretty stressful week, but that doesn't stop us from having fun. Last night, about 7 of us decided to tie girls' doors together. We would knock and then watch and laugh as they couldn't get out of their room. I know. It sounds pretty dumb, but it was one of the most entertaining things I've done here. (Besides taking the dividers in the bathroom stalls down. That one takes the cake.) We got a few really good reactions, and were possibly chased by an RA who doesn't know how to have fun.

BUT... was it worth missing an entire night of studying for?

Yes. Forget studying, I'm making memories.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

College Brings Change

I am now starting my last week of classes as a freshman in college.

Where did this year go? I remember moving into my dorm with my two lovely parents at my side, filled with excitement as I decorated my room and looked at the view of the mountains from my window. I look back to that girl, and can't believe how much I've changed in just a short 8 months.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm still Shelby. I still avidly watch OKC Thunder games, play b-ball every chance I get, and eat more junk food than one girl really should... But, I feel like I've grown up quite a bit. No matter how small or big trials may seem, I feel like they will either break you or refine you. It's all up to you, and how you respond to them.

When I first moved to Utah, I lost one of my closest friends and now, 6 months later, we are just beginning to pick up the pieces. Soon after, my sweet grandmother lost a hard fought battle with cancer. This still brings tears to my eyes as I think about it. I can still picture her sitting at her desk by Grandpa and making jokes with him. They were a match made in heaven. I hope and pray that I have a love as strong as theirs some day.

That semester was really tough, and it didn't seem to get too much easier. The next semester I took on a bit more than I should have by taking CNA classes each weekend. And let's just say... BYU's classes are really hard. (It's a good day when I get a C on a Chemistry test..) And then my sweet Manny passed away in February.

Looking back now... each experience has changed me in some way. I have a much greater testimony of eternal families and better relationship with my Heavenly Father. I also think that I've finally learned how to study properly!!

(Well.. let's be honest, I'm still working on that one.)

Most importantly though, I know BYU was the right choice for me.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Conference Quotes

I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to hear words from God's prophet and apostles for an entire weekend, twice a year. They were all truly inspired. Below is a list of a few quotes that really stuck out to me this weekend:

"No cause, no force in the entire world can stop the work of God."
-Thomas S. Monson

"In the eternal scheme of things, not always in mortality, righteous yearnings will be fulfilled."
-Boyd K. Packer

"The best way to defend against evil is to actively promote righteousness."
- Adrian Ochoa

"If the foundation of faith is not embedded in our hearts, the power to endure will crumble."
-Henry B. Eyring

"Acting on even a twig of faith allows God to grow it." -Henry B. Eyring

"It is never too late to strengthen the foundation of faith."
- Henry B. Eyring

"If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing."
-Henry B. Eyring

"Envy is a mistake that just keeps on giving." -Jeffrey R. Holland

"The formula of faith is to hold on, work on, see it through and let the distress of earlier hours, real or imagined, fall away in the abundance of the final reward." -Jeffrey R. Holland

"However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don't have, or distance from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love." -Jeffery R. Holland

"If you've made covenants, keep them; if you haven't made covenants, make them; if you have made covenants and broken then, repair them." - Jeffrey R. Holland

"Our doctrine is clear; we are to be positive and of good cheer. We emphasize our faith, not our fear. Regardless of the challenges you face, do not become discouraged." -Quentin L. Cook

"Persistence is the answer, and a sense of humor helps." -Quentin L. Cook

"Stay in tune to the music of faith." -Quentin L. Cook

"No sacrifice is too great for the blessings that come after."
-Dallin H Oaks, quoting Pres. Monson

"Our Father in Heaven did not put us on this earth to fail, but to succeed gloriously."
-Elder Richard G. Scott

"In the kingdom of God there are no second-class citizens." -David Baxter

"You can't be right by doing wrong. You can't be wrong by doing right."
-Ulisses Soares

"The topic of judging others can be taught in a two-word sermon: Stop it!" - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Don't judge me because I sin differently."
-A bumper sticker Dieter F. Uchtdorf mentioned

"Could an explosion in a printing shop create a dictionary? It is remote, but it couldn't heal itself if the pages were torn." - Russel M. Nelson (Talking about how we were created)

"Even if you've been mistreated in the past, the Lord always accepts you. All are loved and all are accepted." - Larry Y. Wilson

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
-Thomas S. Monson

"What thinks Christ of me?" - Neil L. Anderson

"As you trust Him, believe Him, and follow Him, He will do what you cannot do for yourself."
-Neil L. Anderson

I know there's a lot, but these guys are amazing, aren't they? They truly speak the words of God.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Conference Weekend!

This weekend was exactly what I needed. Dad and Austin came to Utah and we were able to spend some time with Elder Orr! Started the weekend with bowing, and finished it off by getting ice cream Saturday night. I had so much fun with my men. And, on top of that, I was able to be inspired by the words spoken at General Conference! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is TRUE. Not only is the Church true, but it teaches the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

Elder BRANDON ORR!! Just 4 more months :)

So grateful I have these 3 boys in my life.

Isn't the Salt Lake City Temple beautiful? I love it.