Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Okie Friends & 80's Night

Hello everyone. This first week and a half of school has been great. I've been staying really busy with the classes I'm taking, along with trying to work. It's been really good. I had an Okie night with Ryan, Rachel, the future Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Bean, and Dylan. We played Just Dance 4, some games, and appropriately watched the OKC Thunder beat the Lakers. 

As a family, we went sledding at Rock Canyon Park. It was FREEZING!! We had fun though :)

I went to Dylan's farewell talk on Sunday. He gave a fantastic talk! It was one of the best missionary farewells I've been to. It was cool to see how much he's grown in the last couple years. He will be an amazing missionary and is leaving for Spain the first week of February!!  

The highlight of the semester was definitely last night! Our ward rented out Classic Skating in Orem and we had an 80's night. It was so much fun! One of the best activities we've had. The activities committee must be really great... *wink* *wink* :)
Our Bishop and his wife definitely looked the best. They are so much fun.

Oh and I'm supposed to get my mission call tomorrow. I suppose that's big news ;) I can't wait to finally know where I'm going! It's only been about a 11 days since I put them in, but man... this waiting game is awful! Especially when you're trying to focus on school! But, hopefully I will be able to tell you all very soon where I'll be spending 18 months of my life :) 

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