Tuesday, August 28, 2012

All Moved In!

We have officially moved into our apartment!  

Time for a recap.

We moved in Friday morning. Luckily, we all got there at different times so it wasn't complete chaos.. but it was pretty close to it. Pops & I unloaded the car and then took 2 trips to the storage unit my roommates and I had to get MORE stuff. (Mind you, we are on the 3rd floor. Let's just say... it's been 3 days and my calves are still sore.) And one thing is for sure.. we have a lot of  stuff. It was like hurdling through a maze just to get from one room to another.

That night, someone came by our door and asked us if we were going to camp out for parking permits. Apparently there are only 400 parking spots for 850 people, and 200 of those are underground; therefore, people were camping out to get an underground spot. I.. really wanted an underground spot. That way in the winter I won't have to scrape ice off my car. So.. I grabbed a pillow and blanket, walked outside and got in line. Sydney and McKinlee joined me and we slept out all night long. We actually were able to fall asleep from 1am-4am until some girls woke us up as they were giggling and painting their nails. But.. we got the parking permits, so I guess it was all worth it haha.

We realized Saturday that our apartment has quite a few issues. For one, it was filthy upon moving in. Then a toilet was broken, the showers didn't drain, the light in the bathroom was broken, our outlets didn't work, the fridge wouldn't get cold, etc. etc. It was pretty frustrating. You would think for how much we're paying that they would have noticed these things were broken and fixed them. But don't worry... after three days of 6 girls sharing one outlet, one toilet, and one shower the maintenance guys finally made it up our way. 

Oh the joys of moving into an apartment :) I'll take pictures of it once we've finished decorating. On the bright side, we set up our Wii and we are going to have some awesome Just Dance 3 parties. We also love being invited to dinner, because that means we don't have to cook or spend money on our own food. If someone says "free food" or "want to eat at our place for dinner" you can guarantee that we will be more than willing to accept their gracious offer!

Sophomore year is gonna be awesome.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goodbye Oklahoma

The last couple days were full of 'goodbyes' and 'see you laters'. I really hate goodbyes; they're never fun, but they always remind me of the many people I'm grateful to have in my life.

Here's a few of the pics I've taken this week..


Alisha and Cara! Went and ate at BJ's for C's 21st yesterday! 

The Bailey's! I've babysat them for the last 7 years.. Love these kiddos.

Gillespie's dressed up in their BYU gear for me :)

But it's official. I am no longer in Oklahoma. The trek to Utah begins Pops is coming with Betty and I. Betty's never been this far away from home, so let's hope she makes it! It is a long, unexciting 19 hours; however, it will be worth it. :) 

Okie friends and family... I love y'all. See you in December!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two Days

It's funny how time can sneak up on you.

I've been looking forward to this week for months, and now it's here! I never thought I would be this excited to get back to Utah. It's not that I'm ready to leave home... but I'm ready to be in Utah. (I know.. kind of an oxymoron.) But at this point in my life, BYU is definitely where I'm supposed to be.

I am really excited to unpack everything in my apartment. I know that seems weird, but I can't wait to decorate everything and turn it into my home for the next year. Then to be reunited with my roommates.. :) It'll be fantastic. I'll have to introduce them to you soon.

This was a good week though. Lots of sleeping in, and finishing up little projects around the house. My good friend, Tyler Bean, came home from his mission this week. He served in Mexico. It was good to see him, and hear him speak today. (His accent is priceless.) I was looking at my brother, Tyler, and Ryan Hawkley all talking together and was thinking how crazy it was that they are all home. I know it's brought a tear to our mother's eyes as they realize their kids are all growing up.

Not a bad group, eh? 

Two more days of craziness. I'm a pro at procrastination, so it shouldn't be a problem ;)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where did the time go??

My baby sister is starting first grade today. When did that happen?! 

I look at these, and can only think of how young we both look. But... I don't feel like it was that long ago. It seems like just yesterday the nurse was handing her to me. I was the first person to hold her after she was born, and I remember telling her, "I'm your big sister, Shelby. We're going to be best friends someday." What I didn't know.. was that 'someday' started right that second. 

As much as I'll miss everyone in my family when I go back to school... I'll miss Sydney the most. I'll miss watching her gymnastics. I'll miss her scaring me with a Justin Bieber cut-out in the closet. I'll miss watching her grow up.  It's tough. She doesn't always understand why I have to leave. She sometimes asks, "When are you going back on your mission?" Haha..with Brandon serving his mission in Utah, it's confused her a bit. 

I have one more week home, and it will be full of this little girl. :) 

Life goes by fast. Don't waste it worrying about things that... in the long run.. really don't matter. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Alaska Cruise!

Wow. What a trip.

My pictures say it better than I can.

Here's all 25 of us on the way to the cruise terminal.

Almost to the boat!!

First stop.... FOOD.

Grandparents were on a different cruise to Alaska at the same time as us, so they were able to see Brandon for the first time in Skagway, AK

We took a train ride up into the mountains in Skagway.

Some cool hats our waiter made for us.



The fam by Tracy's Arm, AK

Out on the balcony reading a book with hot chocolate! Definitely my favorite part haha

Our awesome waiters, Gyula & Baha. They were the best.

 Pirate Night! With Meg, Trenton, & Baha.

 Trevor & I in Victoria, CA!

Baha! :)

The Boat!

Eskimo kisses! I love my baby sister.

Overall, it was a fantastic trip. Alaska is BEAUTIFUL! Words and pictures are nothing compared to being there. I had so much fun with all of the Orr family. 

Other notable things: 
  • It was COLD, which was a nice change compared to the 100+ weather in Oklahoma. 
  • Which... by the way.. we were gone the week Oklahoma had it's hottest weather (over 113 degrees!) Great timing on our part.
  • We ate a ton. 
  • The food was fantastic, and we had a lot of fun with our waiters. 
  • Austin had over 50 ice cream cones in one week.
  • My cousin had over 70.
  • We had a cute, Turkish waiter named Baha. He was great. Let's just say.. he made the trip a little more entertaining for everyone hahaha (or should I say.. BAhaha..!)
  • When I get older, I wouldn't mind living in a place with mild summers.
  • My hair lightened up some more. I think I'm starting to get used to it.