Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Trip to Texas

Last weekend.. was amazing! We somehow ended up getting a big group of BYU friends to meet up in Dallas. My friend Meghan flew to OKC from California, and along with Jessica (a future roommate who lives in Edmond) we drove down! It was a fun road trip. Then in Dallas, our friend Randy flew there with his dad (for a business trip) from California, Ryan lives in Plano, and then Rex is in Norman for the Summer and drove down Friday afternoon.. 

ANYWAYS... Jess, Meghan, and I drove down Thursday night. We picked up my cousin, Dalton, and headed to Bahama Bucks to get a snow cone!

She is so talented.

Then we all went to the lake Friday (along with Eric, and Jarett). We rented a boat, and had a lot of fun tubing, and just swimming around the boat. Here's some pics...

The group :)
Eric and me on the tube!

Love these chicas! 

Miller driving the boat!
Eric.... being Eric.
After the lake we ate, and watched a movie at my aunts house. Then on Saturday we went to Hurricane Harbor! (Yes... I did get a tan being outside so much.) No pictures from Hurricane Harbor.. but it was pretty fun. That night we watched the Thunder BEAT the Lakers, and stayed up late having fun while... doing a lot of nothing.. haha :) Then Sunday... church! 

Looove this picture. 
REX!! This guy is living in Norman for the Summer.. Can't wait!

Doing the "Miller".. 

 Drove home Sunday.. and before Meghan left for Cali early the next morning we took her on the zip line at the farm!

.... yep... that's my sister! 

 It was great to get away for a few days, see some old friends, and make new ones. Since being home from the Y, my social life has drastically decreased.. which is completely expected, but it was definitely a nice change for the weekend. BUT.. now back to work and all of that fun stuff :) 

I started Insanity on Monday.. I'll keep you guys updated with how much that's kicking my butt... and I have started 1 of the 6 aprons I'm making this Summer for myself and the roommates. 

Here is the "before" picture...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Humbling Experience...

Today at work, I had some spare time to talk to Faye, one of my favorite residents. She told me a few things I don't think I'll ever forget.

As Faye sat in her wheelchair, in her half of the small room, she looked at me with a smile and said,
 "I believe I am the luckiest person alive."
I probably looked at her with a strange look, because she went on to say "You don't believe me do you?" She was right. I was thinking to myself, how are you lucky? You're confined to a wheelchair at a nursing home and spend the majority of your day solving word searches by yourself. 

I asked her how she was lucky. She laughed and said, "Look around! I have such a beautiful room. I love my bed. I love all of my [stuffed] animals. I get to sit here, and do my puzzles all day long. Not everyone still has the mind to do these things at 82 years old. Oh and do you see that window? What a beautiful window it is. I'm amazed every time I look out of it. I have such a great view. Earlier this morning, I looked out the window and said, 'Thank you, God. Thank you for giving me this window to look out everyday.' 
Don't you see Shelby? I've got the world by the tail!"

Sitting next to Faye, I was humbled and instantly filled with gratitude. I can do so many things that Faye can't; however, she's the one expressing an ample amount of gratitude. She realizes that it's a blessing to have certain things in your life, and she doesn't take a single one of them for granted.

In short... she's absolutely right. She is the lucky one.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Welcome to the Real World, Shelby.

What is Summer Break?? 
I'm just now realizing that Summer will never be the same. 
No more, care-free, work a little, play a lot Summer.
Guess that's what my parents meant when they said I'm an adult :)

So let's see... I got a job at Grace Living Center in Norman as a CNA. It is really a great facility, and after my first full week I am finally getting the system down. I work from 7am-3pm, Mon-Fri, which is exactly what I wanted, and I really do like it. The only thing I would say I don't like... are the other employees!! Some of my co-workers love complaining to me about someone else not doing their job. It gets annoying after awhile... especially when the people I work with are a good 15 years older than me. It's not my job to worry about what the other nurses on my hall are doing, it's my job to take care of the residents.
 So quit complaining, and do your job! Other than the immature adults.. I really enjoy it. The residents are some of the funniest people I've met.

Life is great. It really is. :) 
I had a wonderful 19th birthday a few weeks a go with the family, and I'm really soaking up all the family time. Mother's Day yesterday was fantastic. We went as a family to my Grandma's grave, which was really nice to see, and after church, all of my grandparents came over to the house and we ate, ate, and ate some more. :) When they all left, the kids and I decided to try out our new trampoline.. 

AND.. since it was Mother's Day.. we Skyped BRANDON!! 


Besides working, I'm hoping to get started on a few projects for my apartment next year; however, time always seems to get away from me. I'm enjoying every second of the Play-off's, watching my Thunder boys play, and I'm getting into my late Grandma and Great-Grandma's genealogy work. I have found so many cool things & I have only scratched the surface! It's a lot of fun.

Although this Summer isn't quite a "break"right now, it's going to be great no matter what. I'm missing my roommates from BYU, but.. it will be August before I know it. So I'm going to stay busy, and not wish this Summer away... There won't be another one like it.