Thursday, February 18, 2016

Dear Future Husband,

I am sitting on campus people watching, and found myself thinking of you. 

Not you, exactly, but the type of person I know you will be. 

I say know, rather than hope, because through past experiences and examples around me I know the type of man I deserve and that the Lord has planned for me and I won't allow myself to settle for anything less. Some say that I'm "picky" and I would have to agree... I have high expectations, and for us to be together now I know that you have surpassed every single one of them. I want to write about you. The person that you are. The heart that you have.

f a i t h f u l. 
You are faithful to the Lord, to me, and your covenants. I will never doubt your love for me, or the Lord. You would never do anything to break the vows we have made, and will honor them with complete fidelity. You live a life of faith and trust. Christ is at the head of our marriage and together we can accomplish anything.

m y   b e s t   f r i e n d
We talk about anything without fearing a judgemental or pessimistic reply. We are each other's biggest fans, while still being honest when we are in the wrong. You are eager to hear my good news and have a listening ear when I need to release my daily stresses. We are there for each other through the good and bad and we can talk to each other for hours on end. You are truly my closest, most dearest friend.

k i n d. 
A person who is nice, is not always kind. Anyone can be nice, but kindness is something deeper. It's compassion when no one is watching. It's charity. Its love. It's tolerant. You notice the unnoticed and your words build up rather than tear down. You are understanding of differences, and are not offended easily. You are the kindest man I know.

u n s e l f i s h.
You are always looking out for myself and others, rather than yourself. I often watch as you put aside your own desires to help me. You think of your family first, and of yourself last. I see you as we have children-- putting aside work and personal to-do lists to play catch, dress a barbie doll, or read a bedtime story. For you-- they are never sacrifices. 

p r e s i d e,  p r o v i d e,  &  p r o t e c t.
You honor your priesthood and the covenants you have made. You not only provide the necessities of life, but preside over our family with love. You are our protector. You are every much as involved in the lives of our children as I am, and you are eager to return home to us each and every day. You lead us in our family prayers and scripture study each night and live worthy to the priesthood you hold.

c o n f i d e n t.
You rarely second guess yourself, and when you put your mind to something you are fearless as you achieve your goals. You are not timid or prideful, but you are sure. You are courageous and positive and never doubt yourself, nor the Lord. With this confidence comes trust, and this trust you freely give to me, and to others. 

a d v e n t u r o u s.
From the moment we met the adventure began. Whether we are hiking a mountain, making dinner, running through the rain, or driving cross-country... with you, life is an adventure. From the spontaneous moments, to the mundane daily duties-- together we enjoy them all. Your zeal and passion for life helps us truly enjoy, rather than endure, the ups and downs.

f o r g i v i n g.
As you knew when you married me, I am not perfect... and you have never expected me to be. You have accepted my flaws and forgiven me of my many mistakes, unkind words, and selfish actions. I feel comfortable talking to you about my shortcomings, and together we work through them. You never hold my past against me, but help me as we look forward to the present and future.

h u m b l e.
You are always looking at ways to improve and progress in your life. You see your weaknesses and shortcomings, but don't allow them to define you. You recognize your dependance upon God and your constant need for His support. You are teachable and desire to fulfill His will. Your humility allows you to grow in many ways and to be a greater tool in the hand of the Lord.

e d u c a t e d.
One of the greatest things we can do on this earth is to learn all that we can. Education is of the utmost importance-- not only secularly but spiritually. We have a home with books, and teach our children the importance of an education. You are educated, and beyond college you continue to read from good books and have a desire to always learn more. We educate our kids on the many beauties of the world, whether it be a camping trip, a symphony, or a basketball game.

l o v e   m e.
You love me, honor me, and cherish me and never let a day go by without telling me. You tell me how important I am in your life and you show it daily. We will have disagreements, but we will never go to bed angry at each other. The adversary may try to tear us apart, but you will always fight for me. You will always be by my side, and I by yours-- together...we will be one.

 I know the Lord will not let me marry someone who is not worthy of me. Because together... He has great expectations for us. He has plans for us that are beyond what we could ever imagine. Together we will continue to become like our Savior, Jesus Christ and raise a family that will honor Him. We desire to be worthy and ready that we may ready to serve Him with whatever He asks of us.

I, myself, am striving for these qualities and others in addition to these. I cannot expect something of you, and not expect it of myself! As I search for you, and as God brings us together, we will know each other by these qualities. I know you'll be a tall, handsome man, with a smile that lights up the room and also my heart. Excited does not even begin to describe the feelings I have towards spending eternity with you.

You are the man I want my son to become, and my daughter to marry. 

And I'm grateful that you're my forever. 

- m e.


  1. I love every piece of this. Love you Shelby, and you're right... your future husband is everything that you listed because it's what you deserve!

    1. You're awesome. And I miss you more than you know. We are long overdue for a catching up.

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