I have discussed this topic with friends many times. Especially as finals are starting tomorrow, I find myself memorizing information so that I can pass a test. A test that measures how much I have learned. A test that is strategically made so that a certain number of students will get A's, B's, C's, and/or D's. I once heard a professor say, "The average was too high. The test must have been too easy." He didn't think that perhaps, the students just performed well. I study for tests. I don't study to remember. I have spent the last two days studying in the library hoping I can regurgitate the information on a test so that I can forget it as I leave the Testing Center. Those tests determine my grades, and those grades determine my future plans.
I understand that this is how the education system works; however, I find myself learning and remembering more in the classes where my grade isn't solely based on 3 midterms and a final. I am not a good test taker. I talk myself out of the multiple choice answers and spend way too long trying to decipher the questions, as one wrong word can completely change the question.
I love this video because it made me think. What is education to me? What do I want to achieve with my education? I know I'm not necessarily going for a career so that I will make x amount of money. So... if that's not the reason that I am in school, than what is? I went to college to gain an education, but that's not what I'm doing right now. Right now... I am trying to pass tests. Tests that will determine my final grade in the class, tests that determine whether I graduate, and tests that decide which PA School I will get into.
It looks like I have some reassessing to do on how I'm going to spend the rest of my time in college. I can't change the system, but I can change how I educate myself and redefine my personal view on education.