Friday, December 28, 2012

Brandon & Jaree

I would love to introduce you to Brandon & Jaree Orr :)

They were married in the Salt Lake City Temple on December 20, 2012

I am so happy for both of them, and excited to have another sister join the family. The past couple weeks have been a lot of fun being all together. For me, this Christmas has been pretty special. It's the first Christmas since Brandon's been back from his mission, and the last one I'll have home since I'll be gone on Christmas the next two years. Lot's of changes for the Orr family, but we couldn't be happier!!

(photo cred:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Semester is OVER!

Can really already be Christmas Break?

I can't believe this semester has gone by so fast! I feel like my college years are going to be over before I know it. Speaking of... I love BYU. It is honestly the only place I could ever imagine myself going to school.

Longer post to come.... my brother is getting married in a couple days :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Mind.

Finals have hit. I'm halfway done, but I feel like my mind is already done. 

The mind is very interesting.. We've been learning about it in Physiology. (Which I should be studying right now, but this counts, right?) 

The mind is very powerful. It's something that everyone has, but what differentiates us is how we use it. Instead of using our mind to create what we want, the majority of us use it to create exactly what we don't want. Theodore Roosevelt once said, "that men and women are not prisoners of fate, but are only prisoners of their own mind." 

So with this great power, comes great responsibility... right? 

I'm pretty positive we all know someone who uses their mind to serving others, their family, or to their many blessings. We also all know someone who focuses their mind on themselves, and what they don't have. I often find myself a mix of both; but another amazing thing about our mind is.... 
we have the power to change it.