Saturday, February 16, 2013

Post-Mission Call

It has been almost a month since I opened my mission papers.

Oh, how time flies. 100 more days until I leave, and I know that it will be here before I know it. I can't wait. I try to stay busy, and trust me.. it's not that hard to do while in college.. but it's always there. Whether it's in the back of my mind, or the front.. it's constantly reminding me of the amazing opportunity I have to serve a mission. There are moments where I feel like it's all a dream that I'm going to wake up from, but it's not.. and that's the best part. :)

Life lately:

 Volleyball Games
 Movie Nights
 Chocolate Fondue, and Pretzels
& Basketball Games

I want to give a shout-out to my parents. 
I'll be the first to tell you that I often take them for granted. The phone calls, the random texts, and skype sessions. Whether we are talking about the weather, life, or a Thunder game from the night before, I look forward to every conversation. They tell me they love me. They support me. They listen to my occasional rants, and can always bring a smile to my face. More importantly, I love that they love each other. Whether it's a corny joke from my dad, or encouragement from my mom.. I don't know where I'd be without either of them.